【课程英文名称】Western Rhetoric
【执笔人】蒋 勇
序号 | 主题 | 学时 | 组织形式 | 教学内容
| 支撑课程目标 |
1 | 总论 | 2 | 讲授 | 课程介绍+修辞欣赏+隐喻的认知研究概论(1) 阅读文献:Lakoff,GeorgeandJohnson,Mark,1980. MetaphorsWeLiveBy.TheUniversityofChicagoPress. (Chapter1-7) | 分析这些词语的隐喻映射: 说大话--吹牛皮,说定--说死,不行--没门,嫉妒--患红眼病,非常高兴--乐开了花,愉快--高兴,不愉快--低落,释放--发泄,生气--发火,鼓励--打气,不鼓励--泼冷水,污蔑--泼脏水,取得进展--进步,非常美丽--如花似玉,“美”字的隐喻意义--羊大为美,善于韬晦的人--潜龙,皇帝--九五之尊,狡猾--门槛精,糊涂--拎不清,口才好--滔滔不绝,气势雄壮--气吞山河,有话不直说--兜圈子,蒋介石的名字的隐喻意义--介于石,不终日 |
2 | 第一章 |
2 | 讲授、研讨 | 隐喻的认知研究概论(2) 阅读文献:Lakoff,GeorgeandJohnson,Mark,1980.Metaphors We Live By. The University of Chicago Press.(Chapter 9-14) |
列举和分析用“火” 来比喻愤怒的例子,如“火性、火气、冒火、火暴、心头火起、火冒三丈、火性、火头,火上浇油”。分析“愤怒是气”的隐喻系统。颜色隐喻。 |
3 | 第二章 |
2 | 小组展示 | 隐喻的认知研究概论(3) 阅读文献:Lakoff,GeorgeandJohnson,Mark,1980.Metaphors We Live By. The University of Chicago Press.(Chapter 15-19) |
4 | 第三章 | 2 | 讲授、研讨 | 存在巨链的隐喻功能 阅读文献:Lakoff,Georgeand Turner, Mark. 1989. More Than Cool Reason. University of Chicago Press. (Chapter Four) |
分析汉语中以“五行巨链”(天、地、神、人、时)构建的隐喻、梯级含义和级差含义 |
5 | 第四章 | 2 | 小组展示 | 关联论对隐喻的语用分析 阅读文献:Sperber, Dan & Wilson, Deirdre. 2012. A deflationary account of metaphors. In Wilson, Deirdre & Dan Sperber (eds.), Meaning and Relevance. Cambridge University Press. 97-122. |
用关联论分析汉语诗词中的隐喻传递的弱含义 |
6 | 第五章 | 2 | 讲授、研讨 | 转喻的认知研究概论(1) 阅读文献:Gibbs, Jr., Raymond W. 1999. Speaking andThinking with Metonymy, in Panther,Klaus-Wwe andGunter Radden (eds.), Metonymy in Language and Thought.JohnBenjamins PublishingCompany. |
列举和分析汉语中以果代因(如“惊掉下巴”“肠子都悔青了”)和以因代果(如“被天使吻过的嗓音”)的表达法 |
7 | 第六章 |
2 | 小组展示 | 转喻的认知研究概论(2) 阅读文献:Radden, Gunter and Kovecses, Zoltan. 1999.Towards a Theory of Metonymy, in Panther, Klaus-UweandGunterRadden(eds.),Metonymy in LanguageandThought.JohnBenjaminsPublishingCompany. |
分析以时空范围借代疑惑语气的词语,如“at all/ever/wh-ever/in the world/under the sun/到底/究竟” |
8 | 第七章 |
2 | 讲授、研讨 | 转喻的认知研究概论(3) 阅读文献: DirvenRene.1999.ConversionasaConceptual Metonymy of Event Schemata, in in Panther,Klaus-UweandGunterRadden(eds.), Metonymy in LanguageandThought.JohnBenjaminsPublishingCompany. | 列举和分析汉语词性转换中涉及的借代现象 |
9 | 第八章 |
2 | 小组展示 | 转喻的认知研究概论(4) 阅读文献:Panther,Klaus-UweandThornburg,Linda.1999.ThePotentialityofforActualityMetonymyinEnglishandHungarian,inPanther,Klaus-Uwe andGunter Radden (eds.), Metonymy in Language and Thought.JohnBenjamins PublishingCompany. | 列举和分析汉语中“以潜在性代事实性”的语例 |
10 | 第九章 |
2 | 讲授、研讨 | 修辞中的虚构(1) 阅读文献: Fauconnier,GillesandTurner,Mark.2002.The Way We Think: Conceptual Blending and the Mind’sHiddenComplexities. BasicBooks. (Chapter1-3) |
列举和分析汉语成语、俗语、歇后语、通俗小说中虚构的特别概念 |
11 | 第十章 |
2 | 小组展示 | 修辞中的虚构(2) 阅读文献: Fauconnier,GillesandTurner,Mark.2002.The Way We Think: Conceptual Blending and the Mind’sHiddenComplexities. BasicBooks.(Chapter4-7) |
列举和分析网络用语(如“巨婴、圣母婊、精神炼狱、网络爬虫、耳朵都怀孕了、降维打击、罗刹海市”中的空间复合现象 |
12 | 第十一章 |
2 | 讲授、研讨 | 弛言的认知语用分析 阅读文献:Carston, Robyn. 2004. Relevance Theory andthe Saying/Implicating Distinction, in Horn, L. R. & G.Ward(eds.).TheHandbookofPragmatics.BlackwellPublishing. |
列举和分析汉语中以上义指代下义的现象,如“不是货”指代不是好货 |
13 | 第十二章
| 2 | 讲授、研讨 | 话语标记语的语义演化 阅读文献:Traugott,ElizabethCloss.2004.Historical Pragmatics,inHorn,L.R.&G.Ward(eds.).The HandbookofPragmatics.BlackwellPublishing. | 分析“毕竟”“到底”“毕竟”“不管怎样”“无论如何”“anyway”的语篇衔接功能 |
14 | 第十三章
2 | 讲授、研讨 | 新格莱斯认知语法对曲言的阐释 阅读文献:Israel, Michael. 2006. Saying less and meaning less. In B. Birner & G. Ward (eds.), Drawing the Boundaries of Meaning: Neo-Gricean Studies in Pragmatics and Semantics in Honor of Laurence R. Horn. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 143–162. |
用博弈支付矩阵分析英汉语中的曲言和直言的语用得体性 |
15 | 第十四章
2 | 讲授、研讨 | 梯级模型理论对极性词语的阐释 阅读文献:Israel,Michael.2001. Minimizers, maximizers, and the rhetoric of scalar reasoning.” Journal of Semantics 18 (4): 297–331. | 描述“丝毫”和“毫”“从来”“从”的语境分布差异 |
16 | 第十五章
| 2 | 讲授、研讨 | 任选词的强调功能的扩域论说解 阅读文献:Kadmon, N. & F. Landman. 1993. Any. Linguistics and Philosophy 16: 353–422. | 用扩域论分析“任何”的强调功能 |
17 | 第十六章
| 2 | 讲授、研讨 | 确信副词的传信功能的信息论研究 阅读文献:Beltrama, Andrea. 2018. Totally between Subjectivity and Discourse. Exploring the Pragmatic Side of Intensification. Journal of Semantics, 35: 219-261. | “真的,端的,really,literally,at all”是如何加强陈述、祈使、假设、感叹和疑问语气的?(只分析其中一个) |
18 | 论文议题讨论 | 2 | 小组展示 |
期末论文讨论和撰写 | 撰写和修改论文 |
1. 老师介绍研究概况,解释重要术语和解决难点。
2. 学生准备PPT演讲。
3. 师生提问和解答。
4. 学生完成每章的专题练习。
5. 指导完成期末论文。
Croft, William & Cruse, A. Alan. 2004. Cognitive Linguistics. Cambridge University Press.
Dancygier, Barbara & Sweetser. 2014. Figurative Language (Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics). Cambridge University Press.
Fauconnier,Gilles andTurner,Mark. 2002. TheWay WeThink: Conceptual Blending and theMind’sHiddenComplexities. BasicBooks.
Gibbs, Raymond W. Jr. 2008. The Cambridge Handbook ofMetaphor and Thought. Cambridge University Press.
Horn,L.R.& Ward, G. 2004. TheHandbookof Pragmatics. Blackwell Publishing.
Israel,Michael. 2001. Minimizers, maximizers, and the rhetoric of scalar reasoning. Journal of Semantics 18 (4): 297–331.
Israel, Michael. 2006. Saying less and meaning less. In Birner, B. & G. Ward (eds.), Drawing the Boundaries of Meaning: Neo-Gricean Studies in Pragmatics and Semantics in Honor of Laurence R. Horn. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 143–62.
Israel,Michael. 2011. TheGrammarofPolarity: Pragmatics,Sensitivity,andtheLogic ofScales. CambridgeUniversityPress.
Kadmon, N. & F. Landman. 1993. Any. Linguistics and Philosophy 16: 353–422.
Lakoff, George and Johnson, Mark.1980.Metaphors We Live By. The University of ChicagoPress.
Lakoff,Georgeand Turner, Mark. 1989. More Than Cool Reason. University of Chicago Press.
Panther, Klaus-Wwe andGunterRadden. 1999. Metonymy in Language andThought. JohnBenjamins Publishing Company.
Allan, Keith and Jaszczolt, Kasia M. (eds.). 2012. The Cambridge Handbook of Pragmatics. Cambridge University Press.
Evans, Vyvyan. 2019. Cognitive Linguistics: A Complete Guide. Edinburgh University Press.
Fauconnier, Gills. 1997. Mappings in Thought and Language. Cambridge University Press.
Lakoff, George and Johnson, Mark. 1999. Philosophy in the Flesh. Basic Books.
Mccready, Eric. 2015. Reliability in Pragmatics. Oxford University Press.
MacDonald, Michael J. (ed.). 2017. The Oxford Handbook of Rhetorical Studies. Oxford University Press.
Oakley, Todd. 2020. Rhetorical Minds: Meditations on the Cognitive Science of Persuasion. New York.Oxford: Berghahn.
Cognitive Linguistics: https://www.degruyter.com/journal/key/COGL/html
Journal of Semantics: https://academic.oup.com/jos
Journal of Pragmatics: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/journal-of-pragmatics/
Linguistics and Philosophy: https://www.springer.com/journal/10988
Natural Language Semantics:
Lingua: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/lingua
Homepage of Professor Michael Israel:https://terpconnect.umd.edu/~israel/
Homepage of Professor Anastasia Giannakidou:http://home.uchicago.edu/~giannaki/
Homepage of Professor Jack Hoeksema: http://www.let.rug.nl/hoeksema/papersbyyear.htm
Homepage of Professor Robert van Rooij:
Homepage of Professor Mark Turner: http://www.markturner.org
1. 考核方式1: 课前阅读文献:10% (对应课程目标1)
2. 考核方式2: 参加课堂讨论:20% (对应课程目标2)
3. 考核方式3: 课堂PPT演讲:30% (对应课程目标2、3)
4. 考核方式4: 按时完成作业(平时作业+期末论文,标准论文形式,6-10页):40% (对应课程目标3、4)